Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Linda Vista Trail hike, August 9, 2009 , Continued

Here we go....
At the top ...This is part of the trail NOT well traveled. Resting here before heading down. Someday, will go on up to the top of the ridge just to see what I can see. But it is a bit grueling!

Spotted this OLD baby... Count the arms!!!

Dove Mts. Where the Wild Burro Trail is. ONE TO TRY one day soon when it is a bit cooler!

Spotted this Giant rock with cactus growing in it! Nifty!

Linda Vista Trail hike, August 9, 2009 Part 1

I woke to my alarm this morning. I needed to get up early to head out to this trail, which I figure would be alot in the shade at this early hour. Well look at the morning thermometer---)

I couldn't believe it. For the temp. to drop like that so quickly, with no worning, is really great. Makes me wonder when the heat will be gone... that usually happens suddenly too. Anyway...I drove the 11 miles to the trail head....

I was there by 6:30 am. Got out my gear, and begin heading south along a deeply rutted trail. This was one shared with can guess what I encountered. I never saw any horses, but I knew they were not far off. The view along here was really pretty...

The trail climbed gently doing several switch backs. Was very rocky in ALOT of places

View along the way....some massive saguroas.
Well shall post this. I am still learning how to blog here. Frustrating as it is not easy figuring it out. But to post here, allows these pictures to be view BIGGER than where I normally blog....