Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tucson Arizona Wildflowers --My collection (more)

Leptosiphon aureus – Golden Linanthus
(this pic. is not my actual one, as mine was a bit blurry)
This shows this better (seen on Mt. Wasson trail)
Desert Marigold. THIS is mine in my yard.
Wild Zinnia
Penstemon subulatus – Hackberry Beardtongue
no name yet
Trail lined with Lupins and poppies
No name yet
JoJoba in bloom
Pink Arizona Lupins. RARE find
no name yet
I have a name, will post later
This was so tiny, I almost missed it.
post name later
Tiny little moutnain Daisies
The hedge hog cactus had large buds all over, but when I got back to my car, here was my REWARD!!!!
All for now.