Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wild FLOWERS, Arizona

NEW SPRING flowers at the Rillito Wash
Wildflower spontaneous in my yard
For me.... Spring is about flowers!
Roses for my Mom who is a ROSE!
Neighbors Bird of Paradise....they will not begin to bloom for a few months.
Neighbors ROSE
Rhodadendrons at my Mom's in Paradise, Calif.
Wildflowers on the trail in Paradise.  Saw the very same ones in the Tucson Mts. on my hike on 3-9-10
Dogwood in Placerville, Calif.
Dogwood in Paradise, Calif.
My mom's birthday flowers from May of '09
More Dogwood
White Dogwood.
Flowers along the Romero Pools trail 3-14-10

Popppy field and along the trail

Along the Romero Pools trail.  No clue what these are called
Thought this was a pretty clover like grass , also along the Romero trail

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