Monday, March 15, 2010

Romero Canyon, pools trail 3-13-10

Trail sign.  click to see the map. 
WATER in the CDO wash.  wow!
Clear running....COLD is the word!
Birding trail....lined with high GREEN grass
The creek on this trail. I believe it comes from the Romero pools
Looking up the stream
I have pictures of this rock in Augst, with NO green moss.
This moss is ROCK EATING.... this rock will change over time because of this moss.
Looking down at the Monrose pools
one of the pools here
Ladder steps up this trail.  Helpful!
This is more typical of the trail...rocky, and UP.
Looking up the mountain. Had no idea I was going to be alot closer!
The snow is peaking though here.
The trail here shows some erosin from the rains
Tough trail.  May explain the ladies broken leg
Looking back the way I came. The rocks to the left have been "molded' by the green moss.
The first huge water fall I saw from this trail.  This is not on any maps. Have no clue the name of it. Sure was pretty
More weird rock formations
Keep on going!
This is looking back the way I will be going!
Romero Pools.  The young man on the rock is the 19 yr. old I met. VERY nice and personable for sure.
Here comes the helicopter!
Patient on board...preparing to leave
The red pack on the trail to the right was left by the rescuers.
Heading back
There goes the helicopter!!
Water on the trail
This caught my eye.  Didn't notice it coming up.  What does this remind you of?  ME, I was seeing a dino head!!!!
The CDO at 6pm

That is all!

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